Dreaming in Jesus' name...

Written by Timawa on 8:29 AM

In a screenplay writing workshop, I've been assigned to write my dreams... in all life aspects. That's when I realize that dreaming isn't just about personal career or success. Dreams may be in other aspects of life. For one to have a complete and happy disposition in life, one should have dreams for himself--all phases of his life included. (love life, family life, etc.)

It feels so good writing and visualizing those dreams at the same time. Here, I've written my dreams and plan to make amends on it sometime. A single back-to-back page isn't enough for a dreamer like me. And I believe I can make these things happen through Jesus.

Anyway, just to remind me of these things each day, I've decided to write them all down here...


I am a person full of dreams, and I believe I can reach out to many people when I became on top with Jesus. For myself and career growth, I wanted to be stable in a job which will fit my interests and knowledge--particularly, being a columnist in a newspaper firm or feature writer in a magazine all at the same time. Publication works interest me such as layouting, web design, graphic designing, computer science and the like; so I also do wanted to experience those and contribute to the development of those fields. Our former Editor-in-Chief told us to multiply our single talents into its other types, characteristics or other aspects and that notion have always sticked to my dreams. I wanted to gain more knowledge in other aspects of my interests. I want a work that will enable me to learn something new everyday. I wanted a work that will help me reach out through many people in my own way. I also wanted to become a full-time blogger--entertainment blogger, inspirational blogger; who will touch lives and give advices to people in full extent of my knowledge and experiences. I wanted to serve many people, particularly Filipinos, for God's glory.

In family life, I wanted to be closer to my mom, without hiding anything from her. I don't want her to leave this world without seeing her daughter successful in her chosen field. I wanted her to be my bestfriend, to whom I can confide in her my deepest darkest secret. I wanted to share to her all my successes as well as misfortunes, and give me advices which she learned in her adolescence. I wanted her to support me in all aspects of my life. I wanted to give her a silent gift, success in my career so that she will be proud of having a daughter like me. I wanted my brother to be also successful in his chosen field, that he may realize the value of education and God's existence. I wanted to help him first in building up his future before helping others. Bad thing is, I don't know how to start knowing that we're not really that open when it comes to those dramatic topics because he hates drama. But really, I wanted to help him. As much as I can, I wanted to help him; so that both of us could give pride to my mom... And though it doesn't interest me, I wanted to learn in household chores so that my mom will also be happy. I wanted to find enjoyment in cooking, in washing the dishes, in doing the laundry--simple things like that, just to make my mom happy. To cut this short, I want a family that are supportive to one another, despite each one's failures.

In spiritual life, I wanted to be active in church. I wanted to go back being a legionary. I sincerely wanted to have a spiritual mentor who will teach me in all aspects of my life, particularly in my spiritual growth. I want a mentor who is approachable, who shares to me his life experiences, whom I can confide most of my problems and give wise advices. I believe having a mentor is important, someone who will direct me closer to God, someone who will teach me how to love Him unconditionally. (Many spiritual advisers as possible). Also, I wanted to enlarge my territories through my own little way. As I've said earlier, I wanted to touch people's lives through my writing. I wanted to own a blog which can connect to many people, I wanted to have many experiences as possible to share with them. I wanted this blog to direct them for a better relationship with God. And I also wanted to experience being involved in organizations that has a lot of outreach programs so that I can connect more to the less fortunate people and help them as well.

In my love life, I wanted a man who will love me for the rest of my life, who will do me everything just to win my heart. I want a lifetime partner who will respect my family, especially my mom and brother. Though married life isn't yet visible in my dreams, I wanted a husband who will be with me through thick and thin, someone who will accept me as I am, who has a lot of respect for himself, who will direct me closer to God, who will share with me my misfortunes and successes. I wanted him to have a good disposition in life, who sticks with his principles, hardworking and most especially God fearing. I wanted a lifetime partner who will always be there no matter what.

Some things I have to improve on myself is my time management and control over money. I want to save for future purposes and control myself from buying luxuries just to feed my lust. I wanted more to focus on self-improvement such as physical appearance. Hehe. I wanted to practice myself waking up early (because I'm not really a morning person). This will help me live my life to the full, so I really wanted to wake up early. I will always take care of myself, and think about myself first, my actions before jumping into any conclusions. I wanted to always realize my self-respect so that others will also respect me.

I pray these dreams in Jesus' name,



Whew. Listing down my dreams can be so fulfilling. It reactivates my energies and imagination. It makes me feel impatient to work out on all these goals. I didn't work on my first assignment which is to write my lifeline from birth to death co'z I find it impossible to visualize. I mean, I believe God is the only writer of my life. He isn't finished yet, and I don't want to have some predictions on how my life will turn out to be. Everything that will come, I'll just accept. God has reasons for them.


That's all people. I'm sleepy now. Just finished my assignment. Good night and God bless us.


And oh, by the way, why don't you write down your dreams also? :-)

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Behind the Notes

Imprinted Graffiti is an online journal of Timawa (not her real name), a Filipino student journalist, who talks about her life struggles and experiences. Feel free to explore her world and enter into her realm of fancies. Good day everyone! God bless! :-)